Build vs. Buy

In his July 2010 “Should I Build or Buy a Workbench?“ article, Marc Spagnuolo, founder of The Wood Whisperer, thoughtfully outlines the pros and cons of building vs. buying a workbench.  And in full disclosure, BenchMakerPro discovered Marc’s article months after launching the Foundation Series Modular Workbench System in March of 2023.  If you are in need of a workbench, and who isn’t?!, we highly recommend reading Marc’s article as well as the comments. 

Combined with the notable number of YouTube video views and Instagram posts dedicated exclusively to workbenches, they are an extremely popular topic.  In fact, the first 6 workbench videos on YouTube exceed a total of 5 million views.  You read that correctly, more than 5 million views of varying workbenches from 6 videos in less than 3 years!  Since the workbench is the starting point for so many projects and professions, it’s easy to understand the interest the topic garners, both online and in print.

Marc’s article breaks down the classic build vs. buy question in a methodical manner, covering the cost of building a workbench compared to the convenience of purchasing one.  He also factors varying experience levels into the equation, from the “noob to the experienced.”  In the end, like most things in life, the decision is a personal one.

When available time, budget, skill level, and evolving requirements are all considered, the workbench scale tips in one direction or another.  Similarly, there’s a reason why millions of restaurants exist in tandem with billions of recipes - tradeoffs.  For those with the talent, tools, materials, ideal design, and time, building your workbench from a plan or video is certainly the way to go.  If any combination of those ingredients is in short supply however, buying a workbench could be the better option.

Because the workbench is the hub of the workshop, craft room, or dedicated project area, it’s critical to get right. Done correctly, the workbench is a force multiplier, enabling projects to be completed in less time and with optimal results.  In the event any design objectives miss the target, the flaws can add time and frustration to all future projects. 

BenchMakerPro’s Foundation Series is for those seeking a Modular Workbench System that assembles in minutes and lasts for decades.  The modular components and multi-brand compatibility ensure its functionality can match your project’s demands over time as they progress.  When your assessment leads down the workbench purchase path, you can confidently configure a setup from BenchMakerPro that will deliver the desired results.